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Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)


Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a team-based treatment model that provides 24/7 multidisciplinary, flexible treatment and support to people with severe mental illness. ACT is rooted in the belief that people receive better care when their mental health care providers work together. It has been one of the most successful and profitable strategies for assisting individuals with mental illness for some 40 years.

WellLife Network offers five Assertive Community Treatment teams: in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island. These multidisciplinary teams provide assistance to individuals with a diagnosis of mental illness or co-occurring substance abuse issues in order that they may live more successfully in the community.

A Continuum of Services

ACT team members help the participant address every aspect of their life:

  • Family Life and Social Relationships
  • Housing
  • Wellness Self-Management and Relapse Prevention
  • Daily Activities
  • Health
  • Money Management and Entitlements
  • Integrated Treatment for Substance Abuse
  • School and Training Opportunities
  • Problem Solving
  • Work Opportunities
  • Medication Support
  • Empowerment and Self-Help
  • Crisis Intervention

As one of the best-researched mental health treatment models, ACT has been found to substantially reduce psychiatric hospital use, increase housing stability and improve symptoms and the participant’s quality of life. ACT is highly successful in engaging patients in treatment.

The Team

WellLife Network assertive community treatment team is multi-dis­ciplined and consists of 10 to 12 staff members from the fields of psychiatry, nursing, social work, family and peer support and pro­fessionals with other types of expertise, such as substance abuse treatment (MICA) and vocational rehabilitation. Staff members make visits to the clients’ homes, or other locations in the community at least six times each month, and more if needed.

Outcome Expectations

The goal of ACT is to help the clients establish stability, work towards recovery goals and eventually connect them to services in the community so they can be stepped down to more traditional mental health services in the community, such as a clinic or PROS program. While 100% of the clients referred to ACT have a history of multiple hospitalizations and lack of adherence to behavioral health treatment prior to referral, on average only 22% of WellLife Network ACT clients are hospitalized or otherwise unable to be treated in the community at any given time, demonstrating a marked improvement from the point of referral.

For more information about the ACT Program, call:

Division Director (NYC & Long Island ACT Services)Tel: 631.920.8019

For a free consultation on how we can work in partnership with you, contact:

Bronx ACT TeamTel: 718.542.5805


Brooklyn ACT TeamTel: 718.439.8972


Queens ACT TeamTel: 718.313.1292


Huntington ACT TeamTel: 631.920.8088


Smithtown ACT TeamTel: 631.920.8351


To make a referral, please call Single Point of Access (SPOA) at 212.801.3343

WellLife Network ACT Teams serve all clients referred through SPOA.

Meet Michael
Triumph Over Adversity
<p>"I came to WellLife Network (formerly PSCH) in 2002, on my birthday due to my mother's passing. Then, I lost my apartment and ended up in Covenant House in 2001. There, I was part of their Mental Health unit and applied to WellLife. They interviewed me and loved me so much that I was accepted. This is how I came to WellLife&mdash;and my reason for being a social worker.
Social work became a part of my life, with my mother being a counselor. <strong>This changed for me after she passed away. I just want to help others who cannot help themselves &mdash; and give a voice to the voiceless."</strong>
In 2009, Michael T. earned an Associate Degree in Mental Health at LaGuardia Community College. He then pursued a BA in Social Work, with a minor in Sociology, at Lehman College. Michael graduated with his BSW in 2012. He then pursued a Master's
Degree in Social Work at Lehman College, and in May 2015, graduated with an MSW Degree. Michael achieved his educational goals and will obtain his LMSW by next year.
Michael T. is a resident of WellLife Network's supported housing apartment program.
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