Joe joined the WellLife Network Community over a decade when he enrolled in services at our program in Great Neck, NY. Recently, we had the pleasure of interviewing Joe who expressed his deep appreciation for WellLife. Appreciation because as a long-time participant, he has experienced the best of what our programs have to offer, including dedicated counselors, a connection to his community, job training and placement services, and above all, a safe place where he can get help when he needs it.
Through WellLife Clean Corp, an innovative employment program, Joe has been able to secure employment as a porter in one of WellLife Network’s location in Great Neck where he has worked for the past 11 years. This program specializes in job training and employment that aims to deliver a trained and certified workforce. According to Clean Corp. Manager, Kevin Bartels, “Joe has always been a diligent and dedicated employee,” citing his utmost admiration for him.

At WellLife, Joe has been able to foster friendships and make the most out of the program’s recreational events. One of those friendships being Scott, a fellow porter and participant of WellLife Network. “I would get along with all the clients, it was nice to work with the staff and basically everyone,” Scott said, after I asked him how his experience at the Great Neck location was. Upon speaking to both, I realized that they had an immense respect and admiration for one another. Scott said Joe was an amazing partner to work with and Joe called him the “Rice Krispy man of the year” for his affinity to the sweet treat.
When asked what his experience with WellLife is, Joe said,” I like being a client and worker here. It gives me a little extra feeling that I am trying to do a little something better for my program and I’m still able to bring a paycheck home.” When asked what his favorite part of the program was, he said, “the mentoring, especially right now cause I’m able to be here even with the pandemic.” Joe, a graduate of the Vocational Services Project, said he is now looking into one of WellLife’s retreats to take a small vacation and get away for a bit.