WellLife Network's 5K Run/Walk for Wellness Raises More than $25,000

Ready, Get Set, Go for Wellness

“Supporting a trustworthy charity such as WellLife Network helps to enhance our reach adn raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause and the community at large.”

– John Pfenning, Area Vice President, Business Development, Gallagher

WellLife Network joined forces with the New York Islanders and a dynamic mix of key community advocates on November 4, 2018 to raise awareness and funds for New Yorkers faced with developmental disabilities, mental health and addiction challenges. New York Islanders’ Sparky the Dragon led the charge as more than 300 runners gathered at Eisenhower Park in Westbury, New York for the second annual WellLife Network 5K Run/Walk. The Run culminated a six month agency-wide wellness campaign to improve overall staff fitness through regular exercise and adopting a healthier diet.

Friends and Family Raise Over $25,000

Together, more than 40 staff, friends and family members raised more than $25,000 for WellLife Network’s essential programs. Some of those programs offer counseling and referral services to survivors of domestic violence on Long Island and provide community education and prevention programs for children and adults coping with addiction recovery issues.

WellLife Network would like to recognize the key corporate partners and private advocates who made the 5K Run/Walk such an outstanding success. A very special thank you to: ABT Appliance Brokers & Traders; All Biz, Inc.; Thomas A. Blumberg; Economy Fuel Oil, Inc.; Four Seasons Enterprises, Inc.; Gallagher; Gannon Electrical Corp.; Surujdai Gopaul and Rohan Mohan; HSBC Charitable Foundation; Imperial Dade; Bense J. Kopgram; Moveco Moving Services; Netsmart; Premier Supplies; The Ray-Bloch Stationery Co., Inc.; SavMor; Marvin Sperling; Sterling Sanitary Supply, Corp.; Tonerprice.com; Tristate Apartment Furnishers; Sherry and Dirk Tucker; Urban Architectural Initiatives, RA, PC; and VitaCare Long Term Care Pharmacy. WellLife Network would also like to recognize the generosity and support of the New York Islanders for sending their mascot, Sparky the Dragon to entertain the runners.

Staff and Board Make a Difference

WellLife Network presented some exciting prizes to our board and staff. Award-winning participants included: our amazing WellLife Network board member Steve Bernstein–for securing the largest donation and runner up for most money raised; Elizabeth Matthews, Vice President, Administration–for raising the most revenue and recruiting the most donors; and Jianwei Chen, Controller–for recruiting the largest running team.

We also want to thank our staff who created running teams to help our fundraising efforts. Team included, The Islanders, led by Natashia Crump; The Closers, organized by Jianwei Chen and Care Management Long Island led by Florence Engoran. We also recognize our dedicated top individual fundraising participants: Dane Kanable (Ann Marie and Jason Kanable); Nadia Hrvatin; Lori Alameda; Aldkida Jones-Philbert and Diana Salcedo-Leon.

The race was organized by Generosity Series, an industry leading fundraising and racing platform that champions the causes of nonprofits nationally.

A Race Dedicated to WellLife Network Families

This year’s 5K Race was dedicated to the more than 25,000 families who rely on WellLife Network each year for specialized care. The race also served as an overwhelming testament to the New Yorkers committed to care for and empower their community’s most vulnerable population, runners participating from New York City and Long Island.

Click here to view photos from our 2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk.