“Thank you for remembering my children. Bless your kindness.”
– Ben R., Care Coordination Participant
Empty boxes decorated with gift wrapping paper and a familiar flyer announced the 2018 WellLife Network Care Coordination Toys for Tots Drive. Each day, generous staff contributed toys to help realize our goal of collecting toys for the children of the individuals we serve. This year, Anne Marie Kanable, Executive Assistant, obtained more than 160 toys and books from her friends and family.
WellLife Mobile Van Used to Deliver Gifts
A team of dedicated staff volunteers lovingly wrapped the donations. The toys and books were then distributed to clients in our Care Coordination program, schools and a family shelter in the poorest and highest crime areas in the city. For the first time, the WellLife Network Care Coordination van, driven by Huson Dobson, was used as the gift distribution center. Community members also received information about WellLife Network and services which could be beneficial to them.
The result of this wonderful holiday project is reflected in the smiles on the faces of children who will now have a gift to open on Christmas day, and a toy to preserve the innocence of their early years. We are proud to continue this holiday tradition and thank our staff who participated.

Our Compassionate Value-Based Services Improve Outcomes
WellLife Network is a recognized leader in offering a broad range of personalized behavioral health day, residential and care coordination services to families and individuals coping with the many challenges brought on by emotional problems, substance abuse and mental illness. We also assist individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities achieve greater independence in the community through residential, day habilitation, advocacy, entitlement and family support services.
Some 2,500 individuals and families are assisted, each day, through our person-centered programs, helping them to achieve their fullest potential in an environment that values respect, dignity, caring and integrity.
Please support the people who need our vital services to flourish and thrive. Your special year-end, tax-deductible gift of $25 or $50 – more if you can – does change lives.
Click here to donate.
On behalf of all the children, adults and families in our community who supporters like you help each day, thank you and the best of holidays!